About Your Facilitator

barefoot Becky sitting under willow tree arms outstretched smiling

“Beauty is everywhere, within and without.”
~ Becky Robbins

Meet your facilitator, Becky Robbins, the founder of Sole 2 Soul Adventures and owner of Inner Phoenix Embodied Arts, her private therapy and coaching practice. Sole 2 Soul Adventures was born outdoors. Mostly. With mud and grass between her toes, the steps Becky took lead her to this new adventure that was born to include YOU and these awesome, integrative retreats that call us back home to our bodies and nature.

Becky is a light-hearted, playful and curious one who can often be found barefoot, gazing into mossy patches, watching the trees dance in the breeze. She is always gleaning her rich inner wisdom through tarot, art, and movement, and enjoying reflection-connections that feed her soul. Becky has an easy smile, a direct and kind manner, keeps a pocket full of puns at the ready, and finds it impossible to resist giving some love to the animals.

Credentials: Becky is many, many things. She works and plays outside of the box, on the edges, and sometimes makes it up as she goes along. Becky is able to do this both from her rich and broad life experience, as well as extensive training in numerous areas. Becky has a lust for learning and it shows.

Becky is a licensed mental health counselor, narrative therapist, certified yoga instructor and yoga therapist, certified ayurvedic practitioner, transformational life coach, SoulCollage facilitator, clinical dream worker, shamanic practitioner, journey guide, integrative nutritional counselor, expressive arts therapist, therapeutic tarot/oracle guide, and the list goes on.

“I believe that spending time in nature is a crucial aspect of being human. Research shows that when we connect with nature, we connect with ourselves and the environments outside of us (that includes people!). The core of who I am is nature - being part of nature, being nature, witnessing nature, and even feeling separate from nature at times, sad as those moments are for me. Feeling my soles and the earth connecting reminds me of what I am made of. Feeling the wind on my skin and in my hair reminds me of the power of nature and her gentle side. Naturally, nature is art, poetry, questions and answers.

I also believe that connecting with play and creativity in some form is crucial to growth and general becoming of whoever I will be. Taking time regularly to pause and be present and express ourselves in various ways allows us to connect with ourselves internally, remembering who we are, in all the of our Selves. Embodiment is part of this, allowing awareness to arise, parts of us to be noticed and attended to. How much time do I spend present with, in, and for my body? The first step in being home, belonging, is to do so in our bodies. I say “in our bodies” because our souls aren’t just floating around, they are on THIS journey, the one where they are embodied in matter, skin and bones, blood and spinal fluid, spit and tears. With this, I invite you to come home to your inner nature, the place your soul or spirit call home on this earth.”

~ Becky Robbins

“Becky is like a little forest imp, delightful and hilarious, deep and compassionate.”

— Cole W., Portland, OR

“Becky has a freshness about her that is inspiring, invigorating, and daring. Her events are always cup-filling for me.”

— Nicole B., Shoreline, WA